STEM Scholarships: Nepali Kids Can Change the Future with Your Help!
People tell me that these fundraisers are pointless. No one cares. No one acts. But we have to try. WE care and I hope you will too.
STEM….Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The educational keys to success in a rapidly changing world and the educational building blocks that will produce a generation of skilled Nepalis who will use their talents to make Nepal safer, better designed, better engineered and more successful.
It starts with us, however. With our willingness to invest in the kids and their future. The International Development Institute will be leading trimesterl programs bringing groups of the best and brightest from Nepal to the US for an intensive STEMs program working through George Mason University.
These kids will have to be at the top of the academic lists and committed to STEM and to the future. The boost that they will get, the empowerment, the mentoring, and the networking will transform their future path and, we hope, Nepal’s. In most cases the students families will finance this great opportunity.
But what of those families without the resources but with a child who is the perfect fit — a top scorer in the exams with a brilliant mind and a passion for learning. Those are the lives we want to touch at Soarway with your help. If in each group of 35 students even two or three can be deserving students from public schools outside of the Kathmandu Valley who would otherwise be left out due to lack of resources, what a difference we could make in their lives.
We can’t let poverty be the barrier that makes it impossible for some of the brightest children to grow and contribute. Let’s find the way to cover the air fare, the lodging and food and tuition and help ensure that a special kid with a real gift will have a chance to see it bloom.
This is a big ask, I know. They all are. But we have to try. Are you a Rotarian? A Lion? Maybe your clubs could help sponsor just one child a year for $5000. Ten clubs….ten kids! Please.
Have you made it big in Silicon Valley? Are you a tech wizard who knows the difference that STEM education makes? Please help us to give another child a chance.
The first group of students is scheduled for April! Please. Engage Nepal Act Today.