The tragic flooding we are seeing in Nepal is, sadly, an almost annual occurrence, that we can help people to prepare for with education. That sort of multi-hazard risk reduction and education is at the heart of the Soarway Mission. Please help us to make a difference that matters.
As a result of the flooding over 135 lives have now been lost. One third of Nepal has been flooded and 6 million people have been affected. Well over 100,000 people are displaced and thousands of homes have been destroyed our severely damaged by flood waters. Huge numbers of Nepalis are at risk of disease, hunger, and death. Hundreds of schools are damaged or closed as are over 500 small and medium scale industries. 80% of farmland was underwater at the height of the flooding with devastating effects on crops in the field. Economic losses will be measured in billions of rupees. Although the waters have begun to recede more rain is possible and landslides are a danger across the country.
We can help, and we will. You can make a tax-deductible donation here and we will ensure that assistance goes to those who need the help, and that it goes quickly, we will identify recipients that can support communities-in-need directly or we will partner with organizations working in direct support of those communities . We will work with accountable and transparent partners who are making a difference and who we know will not misuse or misdirect our funds.
But just as importantly, we will set aside 20% of funds raised to support those who are working to ensure that we do not face this again next year and the next and the next.
Help people in need today and help prevent the need to do it again every year! Your tax deductible donation will go to support both flood victims and ongoing flood mitigation efforts to help communities prepare for and be safer from the challenges of Mother Nature. Engage Nepal. Donate today:
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