Soarway Partners Who Care: Sagarmatha Children’s Home
“When i visited home in Dahsain festival In my village there is one poor family who’s father used to work as a labor. His son was sick. I met him and discuss if we able to take him to Ktm he may cure. In that time he was listening to me. I back to KTM and started regular my day. After month that boy around 16 years came to me Ktm and ask me sir save my life. I am surprised that how he able to came to me. Then i took him Bir Hospital for check up. After all investigation Dr. told me he need bypass surgery of his heart and for this hospital asked to deposit 30,000 Rs. I admitted him to hospital and started to collect money. without deposit money they will not ready to surgery. This amount is really huge to me. within 15 days i collected 16000. I am also very new person and not that much connection and no one ready to give me money. I told to hospital i have now 16000 please start surgery. But they rejected and ask to deposit 30000. I was trying to collect, after 18 days he died. I cried cried cried and still crying.”
Manoj KandelThe above words, of Manoj Kandel of the Sagarmatha Children’s Home are at the heart of his commitment to make a difference for children who have no one else to stand for them.
The life of a child is truly an incredible thing. To offer hope when there was none. To give gifts that nourish the body and the mind. To protect and nurture the most vulnerable. To care.
Today, more than ever, we need people who care. People who look beyond our differences to see our common humanity and who know, that in reaching out, we begin to build bridges in a world that could really use them about now.
The story of the Sagarmatha Children’s Home is such a story. As a former Ambassador to Nepal I take care in selecting the partners with whom the Soarway Foundation works. In SCH we have found a partner that not only cares but for whom integrity and accountability are shared values. A partner whose concern is for the children it can help not with how much money it can make.
For the past 14 years SCH has helped to change the life of 300 children, most of whom have been able to be supported within their own families. “Family Care is the First Right of Children” is the mantra that Manoj Kandel and the SCH family champion. They help with education, they assist children with special needs, they are the game changer in times of crisis. They are, Soarway’s kind of partner.
Like us they are small but determined and committed. Touching lives and saving lives. Its what we do. You can too. Help to change the lives of the children of SCH either as a Supporter at $35 a month, a Partner $50 a month, or a Sponsor for $100 a month. Your gift is not only transformational but it is also tax deductible.
Click donate, choose the monthly option and your level of donation. It is as simple as that! If you choose to make a one-time tax deductible gift that too will be appreciated and that can be done on the same donation page.
Individual sponsors are welcome to write to the children they support and to build a relationship and SCH will help to ensure that the lines of communication will continue while exercising due diligence on behalf of both donor and child and their families. SCH will also provide semi-annual updates and visits to the orphanage and with the children and their families are also possibilities should you visit Nepal.
Please, help us change the future narrative for these children. Truly touch a life. Make a difference. Engage Nepal!