Samjhana Balika
Age: 9
Country : Nepal
Partner Home : Sagarmatha Childrens Home, Nepal
Arrived :
Favorite Activity : Playing football, badminton and dancing
Samjhana is a sweet and spunky little girl who continues to do well in all her classes. She loves getting ready for school and walking to class with all her friends. She recently shared with staff that her favorite thing about school is doing classwork, talking with school friends, and learning from her teachers. When staff asked if she wanted to pass along a message to you as her sponsor, she excitedly answered, “Tell my sponsor thank you so much!”
Even at nine years old Samjhana knows the power of sponsor’s kindness to touch her life and to give her hope for the future. Please, won’t you join the effort and support Samjhana? Please, act today. Help change this little girl’s life.