Aayush Bisunke
Age: 14
Partner Home : Sagarmatha Childrens Home, Nepal
Arrived : Summer 2018
Favorite Activity : Watching children play
Aayush is a 14-year-old, suffering from hydrocephalus. He has to take his medication consistently and make regular doctor visits. The SCH team tells us:
“He is very sweet and, although he cannot talk or walk, his smile always brings joy to his family at the Sagarmatha Children’s Home. He loves to be out in the sun where he can watch his brothers and sisters playing. He tries to talk but can only communicate with his eyes and his infectious good smile. He only can stay in the same position that you can see in the picture above. But what you don’t see is him trying his best to move and act as a normal 14-year-old.
We are sending him to a special school everyday 9 am to 4 pm. A van will come to pick up drop him from SCH. He has been provided a wheel chair but not a very good one. He is a special child who we feel should have all the love and support that it is possible to give.”
As with many of the children at SCH, his parents cannot support him. His father has no job and his mother works as a laborer. They are both illiterate. Aayush will never live the life of a child without hydrocephalus but that does not mean he cannot know and give love. It does not mean he cannot experience happiness and be part of the world around him. That would not have been true for Aayush if not for the Sagarmatha Children’s Home and it will not be true for him without the help and support of donors who care. We hope you will be part of our SCH family and make Aayush’s life story all that it can be.