by Scott DeLisi | Oct 30, 2016 | Fundraising, News
View all the art here! The power of art is incredible. It transcends borders and it flows across barriers of language, culture, and identity to touch our souls and our hearts. Art transforms us, enriches us and changes us. The Soarway Foundation is excited to...
by Scott DeLisi | Oct 18, 2016 | News
Dear Friends. It is that time of year again. The time for the incredible Soarway Foundation Artists Engaging Nepal Art Sale just in time for Thanksgiving. What’s that? You don’t have a Thanksgiving Art Buying Tradition? We can fix that! Forget Black...
by Scott DeLisi | Oct 10, 2016 | News
There is a tremendous joy in being surrounded by things of beauty. It improves our lives. It lightens our hearts. It enriches our spirit. And when you have the chance to not only do good, to make a difference, but to also win something that will inspire us —...
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