Parramedics….making all the difference This video…geez. To see the paramedics rush in. To see them save a child. To see the parents almsot beyond wordsas they seek to express their fears, joy and gratitude fo the heroes who saved their baby’s life. Powerful.
In America, thankfully, there are many stories like this. But in Nepal…..well…in years past, Nepal had no 911. No skilled paramedics waiting to response. A choking infant, like the one in this video would, almost certainly, have died.
Patients arriving at emergency rooms in Kathmandu came in taxis, or by motorcycle, or were carried in by family or friends. If there was an ambulance it was essentially a taxi with a siren. Imagine if you or a loved one had suffered a heart attack or stroke. What if they were in a horrific car crash, or were experiencing a difficult birth and there was no ambulance, no skilled help…no hope?
The Nepal Ambulance Service is changing that story and in the process building much needed capacity in Nepal for future emergency situations. In partnership with Stanford University School of Medicine and others, including Soarway, they are training a cadre of skilled emergency medical technicians to provide life-saving care and interventions in modern, well-equipped ambulances. They now are the government-approved managers of the “102” phone call-in to dispatch ambulances in Kathmandu and Patan and the Soarway Foundation is working with them to further expand the paramedic corps and save more lives.
NAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and building a critically needed capacity in Nepal — a capacity that is directly linked to the Soarway Foundation’s Mission of disaster risk reduction and preparedness. Working together we can save lives today and create the capacity to save lives in the next crisis. We can do it. We know it. But we need your help. This year we are seeking to raise $40,000 to partner with NAS, the World Health Organization and the government to build a national paramedic training center and to launch a program for community emergency medicine training in the Far West. And we are expanding NAS service areas and doing training for hospitals and care givers in the West.
If you have loved ones in Nepal, give them the gift of knowing, like the parents in this video, that care is around the corner. We know help is a phone call away. Please, won’t you donate $25 or more today to give that same peace of mind to someone in Nepal?
Please, donate today via the Pay Pal Giving Fund and Pay Pal will cover all fees.
Make a difference. Save a Life and Engage Nepal.
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