Have a Heart to Save One: Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Death in Nepal

Have a Heart to Save One:  Preventing Cardiovascular Disease and Death in Nepal

“Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer not only in Nepal but in the whole world.” Dr. Rita Thapa

This is Ambassador (ret) Scott DeLisi writing personally on behalf of this particular project because transparency is one of our values at Soarway and in the spirit of transparency I must acknowledge my relationship with Dr. Rita Thapa, internationally recognized for her work in public health and particularly maternal and child health, and with her husband, Dr. Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, the distinguished Ambassador, Minister, and Governor of the Nepal Rastra Bank and much more). They have been dear friends, mentors and inspirational leaders. But even more, Rita is my didi…my older sister in Nepal …for whom I have a world of respect and admiration.

So, admittedly, when either Dr,Thapa speaks, I listen. But this project is about more than friendship and respect. It is about a fundamental issue of concern for all Nepalis and for all friends of Nepal. At Soarway, we talk often of our risk reduction mission. THAT is exactly what our support for the Bhaskar Initiative for School Heart-Health Empowerment Studies (BISHES) is all about. It is about reducing one of the greatest risks that all Nepalis face: the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Bhaskar Thapa was a brilliant young engineer. A husband and father, who died of a massive coronary at age 49. Bhaskar was also the son of Rita and Bhekh Thapa and they created the Bhaskar Memorial Foundation the BISHES program in his memory in hope of sparing so many others the same heartbreaking loss that they experienced.

Cardiovascular disease is a relentless killer and, in Nepal, as diets change, stress increases, and alcohol and tobacco use is every more common the children of Nepal are increasingly at risk of developing the habits that will lead to early death and decreased quality of life. That is a simple truth. And a sad one.But, there is HOPE. With education and awareness the risk factors that lead to cardiovascular illness – poor diet, lack of exercise, consumption of alcohol, use of tobacco, and stress — can all be mitigated. With the right choices, 85% can be solved.  You can help.

The Bhaskar Memorial Foundation travels around Nepal teaching students and teachers about heart health issues and how to prevent them. Listen and watch here to learn more.   My Didi is far more articulate than I am in speaking of how the BISHES program is turning the tide. https://vimeo.com/249406451

Early intervention is the key. Nepal’s Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization and many others know this to be true as well. (Early Intervention the key to prevention)

We have the team. We have the Champion in Dr. Rita Thapa. We just need your support to help make this work. Help us to fund the next rounds of Heart Health Education. Help us to save that next child in Nepal. It could be a child you know. It could be someone you love. Help prevent cardiovascular disease in Nepal. Help save young lives. Donate today! Engage Nepal.


Posted on

May 6, 2018

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