From the Tarai to Khumbu: Help The Elderly Who Need Us the Most

From the Tarai to Khumbu: Help The Elderly Who Need Us the Most

We recently had the chance to see at first hand the compassion and commitment of our partners of the Jyoti Foundation as they cared for the elderly residents of Pashupati in Kathmandu.  And on the same trip we were able to join hands with nine Nepali partners from the US.  We gave a 50% match from Soarway that turned their $2000 into $3000 so that we could provide much needed bedding for the elderly residents of Bridha Ashram in Devghat.

But our work doesn’t stop there.  Bung, in Solo Khumbu was hard hit in the 2015 quake and recovery continues to be slow.  The people of Bung are determined, however, and we’re eager to show them that they are not alone.  Our colleagues at The Partners Nepal (TPN), enlisted the support of the Sir Edmund Hillary Stiftung in Germany and the Hill Development and Conservation Group, to restore the Sir Edmund Hillary Health Clinic, built with the direct help of Sir Edmund in 1989 but devastated in the recent quake.

The community wants to now develop the newly rebuilt clinic into an Elder Care Center that is urgently needed especially for those older residents who can’t easily journey to the new government health post on a more distant hilltop.  For some that climb, over steep and rough terrain, is just too much.

In keeping with our efforts to ensure that the elderly are not forgotten we want to reach out in Solo Khumbu as we seek to do throughout Nepal.

Imagine if your elderly parent or family member had no place to turn.  No access to help.  And no one who cared.  In THIS community, there are people who want to ensure that won’t be the case.  Please join us.  Le’t’s make a difference together.

Help us make the Sir Edmund Hillary Elder Care Center a reality.  Donate today.  Engage Nepal!


Posted on

May 6, 2018

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