Fighting Trafficking & Saving Lives
After an earthquake, the predators descend. They lure young women and girls in earthquake affected areas with false hope – telling them that they can help their families in their desperate need by taking a good paying job in India or the Persian Gulf states. Many of these young women seize the dream of being able to ease the burden and suffering of their families; but they find that the dream is a nightmare instead as they are sold into sexual bondage instead. Their stories are painful and tragic – but working together Soarway and Maiti Nepal are fighting this evil.
Maiti Nepal has been an incredible force for fighting trafficking and its founder and inspiration, Anuradha Koirala was recognized as the CNN Hero of the Year for her efforts. She and Ambassador DeLisi partnered together when he was American Ambassador to Nepal and today they have once again joined forces in this effort.
Scott DeLisi, Anuradha Koirala (L to R)
They know that prevention is critical and the time to build capacity that can prevent girls from being trafficked – the time to educate them, arm them, and save them — is not after an earthquake strikes; its now! And we are building that capacity in partnership with Maiti Nepal across Nepal. We are supporting Maiti Nepal as it educates and informs and helps save vulnerable girls, some as young as seven years old from being trafficked. Soarway knows that with Maiti Nepal as our institutional partner on the ground and with your financial support we we can make a true difference.
We are also very proud to announce that we are also working with private sector partners like the Kobold Watch Company to give new hope to the trafficking survivors that Maiti Nepal has rescued. Kobold’s Nepal branch will employ up to sixty trafficking survivors to produce high quality leather goods in Kathmandu.
Maiti Nepal believes that this is critical. To give survivors the chance to be integrated into the economy and to have the dignity of earning their own money is Anuradha’s priority. This is the future she seeks for the girls Maiti Nepal rescues and this is the future Soarway will help to build with Maiti Nepal, Kobold Watch Co., and other partners who care.
Won’t you help give the girls of Nepal a different narrative of the future and help protect them from the predators who destroy their lives for their own gain?
Maiti Nepal believes that this is critical. To give survivors the chance to be integrated into the economy and to have the dignity of earning their own money is Anuradha’s priority