What Does it Take…..
To Make Your Finger Move
There are 1400 of you on our mailing list.  If we could convince even ten percent of you to click…to support the people of Nepal….to help us build a new future…we’d be thrilled.
If I knew the magic formula to get you to engage I’d use it.  Like Harry Potter I’d wave that wand.  I’d cast the spell.  But Soarway — sadly, perhaps — has no wizards, no warlocks, and no witches.   So, all we can do today is to ask for your help and ask you to lift your finger and click here.

It is not hard  —  really — just a little click and you are part of the Soarway 1000.  And its only $10 a month.  That’s 33 cents a day to help us assist those who don’t have FEMA, who don’t have

We all face our challenges…we all make our choices…but a $10 a month tax-deductible donation is something we all can do.  I know it.  You do too.

PLEASE consider becoming a sustaining partner in our effort for Nepal.  Sign up once…have an impact throughout the year.  Make a difference that matters.  Just click here.

 Touch lives.  Donate today and Engage Nepal!


Scott DeLisi
US Ambassador (ret’d)
Executive Director
Soarway Foundation


See the entire October Newsletter here


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