Most of us like a challenge and who doesn’t LOVE a free gift! Well, here’s your chance to do good, to save money with a tax deduction AND to possibly with the gorgeous Stratographic featured on this page by internationally recognized artist and film-maker, Jane Vance. Join the Soarway 1000 movement and help us recruit 19 others to do so and one of our lucky new members will win this gorgeous work of art.
The goal? 20 new members of the Soarway 1000 by March 21st at midnight and of those new members a lucky winner will have their name drawn to win the Stratographic.
We have highlighted the Soarway 1000 again and again because it is that important. For you, it’s 33 cents a day, For the people of Nepal? It’s priceless. That’s all we ask. Just three dimes and three pennies. A little for you — but it is huge for us. For 33 cents a day — ten tax deductible dollars a month — you can help us create new emergency medicine services. You can help children learn and grow in safe schools. You can help connect villages with modern technology for distance learning and life-saving emergency communication. You can empower women entrepreneurs through a program that gives them the chance to know the dignity of earning and becoming productive citizens contributing to a stronger, safer, more resilient Nepal. And those are just some of our projects for this year
Just click HERE and select the monthly option and your amount and your tax deductible give is good to go AND if you do it before midnight on March 21 you can also be entered to win this beautiful poster. For thirty years Jane Lillian Vance’s highly narrative and studiously detailed paintings have been concerned with bridging the space between East and West. The Dalai Lama’s favorite poet, Shantideva, wrote in the 8th century classic Heart Sutra: “May I be a boat, a bridge, a lamp for those desiring the further shore.” In many ways, Vance’s work offers passage–into luxurious naturalist detail, as well as into severe and magnificent contemporary landscapes around the world.
Vance is internationally known for creating oil paintings with brilliant detail and vivid, painstaking iconography, from Tibetan Buddhism and the folk arts of the Himalayas, as well as from rural Zambia, in her current Africa Series, about medicine and hope. Her paintings are housed in private collections on four continents. Widely recognized for her knowledge and understanding of Tibetan and Nepali culture, Vance is a frequent lecturer and keynote speaker on the subject.
The Stratographic is a montage of eight works by Jane Lillian Vance highlighting her style through decades. This high quality singed poster is one of two that she has shared with Soarway to help raise funds for Nepal.
Please help. Join the team and encourage others to do so as well. Make a difference. Engage Nepal.
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