Our June Newletter.  Please read and share!

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Dear Friend,

I often wish that I could just sit and talk with you rather than having to rely on newsletters like this.  I know you get countless appeals for help.  I know that everyone seems to have a matching grant campaign, a special project, or a membership drive. It is easier to ignore them than to choose or to commit — I get it.

But, if we had the chance to chat over a cup of coffee or tea, I don’t think we would talk about the appeals and the pleas for support because this isn’t about the dollars we raise or the grants that we match.  It is about the lives we touch.

For me it’s about knowing that there are are real children, women, and men for whom our choice to engage and to care marks a real point of intersection in their lives. Quite simply, our actions in life matter. The choice we make —  to help or not — matters.  Even our smallest acts of kindness can have an incredible, everlasting impact.

For example, we have a chance to build on our partnership with the Nepal Ambulance Service and to expand our engagement in pre-hospital emergency care to an even more robust engagement on life-saving emergency medicine work with major hospitals in Nepal and with the Ministry of Health. We can build capacity. We can make a difference today and in the next crisis.

We have a group of highly skilled emergency medicine physicians who are prepared to volunteer their time and energy to go to Nepal and help us develop a program, and we have the partners in Nepal with whom they can work. But while we might be able to find institutional donors to help once we create a program, we need to take the initial steps and find ways to get this team of nine to ten to Nepal for the initial engagement.  We can all choose to help and that choice could save lives both now and in the future… Or we could see another opportunity to truly make a difference lost because we could not find people who cared. These are the things we could talk about.

Or we could talk about the 82 girls and women who were beneficiaries of the health camp that we helped WonderWorks Asia to conduct this past week. That was a choice we made too… A choice that touched those lives.  We may detect cervical cancer or other diseases — and we just may save someone’s life.Keep a mother with her family.  Make a difference that matters.

I know we always ask for help… We have to because we can’t do it without you.  And right now, we do have a matching grant offer that we highlighted the other day. It lasts for another 12 days and in the time we still need to raise about $3500 to receive an additional $5000. You can read more details by scrolling below.

It is a choice. I hope you’ll choose to help girls and women attend health camps.  I hope you’ll help the children of Sagarmatha Children’s Home; help fund new partnerships in emergency medicine; help protect the environment in Solukhumbu… Help make a difference and touch lives.

Real people, real lives, real need.  Please choose to help.  Please Engage Nepal. Thank you for your support.

You can make a difference by donating
to one or more of our current projects:
M’s Matching Grant

One donor’s generosity is allowing our supporters the opportunity to DOUBLE their impact with a matching grant. The donor (let’s call her “M”) will match every $2 we can raise between now and June 15th with one dollar of her own — up to $5000. This will make a massive difference in many lives. Please consider matching her kindness — even the smallest contribution helps: bit.ly/2xRJ60W
Have a Heart to Save One

We are working with the Bhaskar Memorial Foundation to ensure that Nepal’s disadvantaged youth get the tools necessary to pursue community saving vocational training in heart health. Donate today and support Nepal’s future by investing in the education of children and the health of the nation: bit.ly/2szhUyV
WonderWorks Health Camps for Vulnerable Girls:
Providing Care and Compassion

Our partners at WonderWorks just held the first of the health camps we have helped them to fund. Please help us to continue to make an impact. We need your contribution now more than ever, as your support will be doubled by a matching grant between now and June 15th. Act now: bit.ly/2JuJR0A
Latest News from Nepal

> Photos: How Climate Change Has Transformed the Himalayas in Nepal Over One Decade
Click here to read the full article

> Nepal’s Female Masons Dig Deep to Lay Foundations for Change and Renewal
Click here to read the full article

> Startups in Nepal: Youth Hold the Key
Click here to read the full article

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As always, thank you for your support.
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