To read this story and follow the link to Professor Hugh Herr’s TED Talk and not be moved.

These links tell a bit of the story  of Adrianne Haslet-Davis another of the participants on our Wounded Heroes Trek of Hope.  Adrianne is not a military veteran; she is an incredibly gifted ballroom dancer who lost her left leg in the Boston Marathon terrorist attack.  We know, however, that heroism is not just displayed on the battlefield.  It has many forms and many faces.  It is found in the courage of survivors who carry on with strength and determination.  It is found in individuals like Adrianne, or Ana (about whom we have already posted) or Ryan or Sarah or Sebastiana whose stories are yet to come.  Not one of them was willing to allow themselves to be defined as a “victim” or by a physical handicap.  Instead they will be defined by what they achieve, what they dream, and what they inspire others to do.  They will be defined by their courage and will.

We at Soarway want to send them on a Trek of Hope in Nepal.  Not just with hope for new experiences and challenges for them in their new lives but with hopefor all those in Nepal who face lives hardships with dignity and grace.  We know that they can inspire the over 500,000 Nepalis with physical disabilities and we hope that they will inspire politicians and businesspeople and community leaders to know that those 500,000 Nepalis are a valuable resource to be empowered and encouraged.

We hope as well that in this, the UN’s Year of Accessible Tourism, we will also inspire others to visit Nepal to see what is possible.  Our goal is to build a new narrative for Nepal.  To help create resource mobility centers for those with disabilities.  To create a Tourism Academy that will help open Nepal’s doors wide and empower students with their own physical challenges to become part of the accessible tourism industry.

As I said at the start…I dare you.  Read this and tell me you aren’t touched.  Tell me that we shouldn’t help make this a reality.

Donate today by clicking the link below to make the Trek of Hope a dream come true.  Donate today and Engage Nepal!—wounded-heroes-trek-to-nepal


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